Dr. Gagandeep Kaur
LL.B. (Gold Medalist),
LL.M. (Gold Medalist)
& Ph.D. in Law with distinguished expertise in Cyber Law
Dr. Gagandeep Kaur is LL.B. (Gold Medalist), LL.M. (Gold Medalist) & Ph.D. in Law with distinguished expertise in Cyber Law, Information Technology Law, Cyber Crimes & Copyright. She has more than 12 years of teaching and research experience in prestigious Universities and presently associated with School of Law, University of Petroleum and Energy Studies, Dehradun as Assistant Professor (SG) in Law. She is an experienced professor with a passion for mentoring students, research, teaching and delivering special lectures in the domain of Information & Communication Technology Law & Copyright Law. She has authored two books namely ‘Jurisprudence of e-Commerce and Consumer Protection’ and ‘Cyber Laws & IT Protection’. She is also editor of another book on ‘Emerging Dimensions of Cyber Law & IPR: Issues & Challenges in 21st Century’. She has published over 75 articles in peer-reviewed journals, book chapters and conferences. She has presented over 90 research papers in national and international conferences. She has judged several competitions on Moot Court, Trial Advocacy, Mediationand chaired technical Sessions in Conferences across India. She has been invited as a resource person as a professional speaker in various Workshops and FDPs.